弘扬汉语古籍 传承国粹精华
  • van

    英:[væn] 美: [væn] 

    van 基本解释

    名词厢式货车; 先锋; 增值网; 先驱,前驱,领袖,领导人



    van 相关例句


    1. The race horses were vanned from here to there.



    1. The van is under attack.

    2. van的翻译

    2. The United States is in the van of industrial nations.

    3. Furniture is usually moved in a van.

    van 情景对话


    A:I‘m calling to see if you would like to have lunch tomorrow.


    B:I‘m sorry, but this week isn‘t very convenient for me.

    A:Perhaps we van make it later.

    B:That would be better.

    van 网络释义

    1. 先锋:品种来源:先锋(Van)曾译名凡. 由加拿大夏地农业研究所育成. 在欧、美、亚洲各国均有栽培. 1983年中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所引入.

    2. 范逸臣:范逸臣(Van)在电影<<爱到底>>饰演迷恋女朋友的男生,他更透露最初接到剧本时,还以为接拍了恐怖的惊栗片. 他说:「其实演戏真的很有趣,能接到不同的角色,可以演绎、尝试另一种人生、另一种生活. 」

    3. 行李车:10个座位的小巴,不少是由行李车(van)改装过来,只有驾驶座和前方乘客座有安全带;30个座位的是进口中型巴士,驾驶座和乘客座位安全带大都由原厂安装;然而,40个座位或以上的大型学生巴士,

    4. van:value-added networks; 增值网

    5. van:variable-area nozzle; 可调导叶

    6. van:vanuatu; 瓦努阿图

    van 词典解释

    1. (厢式)中小型货车;运货车
        A van is a small or medium-sized road vehicle with one row of seats at the front and a space for carrying goods behind.

    2. (火车的)货车车厢,邮政车厢
        A van is a railway carriage, often without windows, which is used to carry luggage, goods, or mail.

        e.g. In the guard's van lay my tin trunk.

    in AM, use 美国英语用 baggage car, boxcar

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