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  • unsuitable

    英:[ʌnˈsu:təbl] 美: [ʌnˈsutəbəl] 
    1. 不适宜的;不合适的 Someone or something that is unsuitable for a particular purpose or situation does not have the right qualities for it.unsuitable什么意

    unsuitable 基本解释


    unsuitable 反义词


    unsuitable 相关例句


    1. This area is unsuitable for heavy industry.

    unsuitable 网络释义

    1. 不适合的, 不相称的:domestic burners 民用炉 家用炉 | unsuitable 不适合的, 不相称的 | be apt for 适合

    2. 不适合的:unstemmed shot 无炮泥爆破 | unsuitable 不适合的 | unsupported width 无支宽度

    3. 不适当的:不能接受的,不合格的Unacceptable | 不适当的Unsuitable | 不需确认No Confirmation Will Follow

    unsuitable 词典解释

    1. 不适宜的;不合适的
        Someone or something that is unsuitable for a particular purpose or situation does not have the right qualities for it.


        e.g. Amy's shoes were unsuitable for walking any distance.
        e.g. ...taking heavy traffic out of unsuitable towns and villages.

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