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  • office

    英:[ˈɒfɪs] 美: [ˈɔ:fɪs] 

    office 基本解释

    名词办公室; 办公楼; 问询处; 重要官职


    office 相关例句


    1. Half of the office is under 30.

    2. She works in an office.

    3. He was elected to the office of mayor.

    4. Through the good offices of a friend, he was able to get a job.

    5. The office of the mind is to think .

    office 情景对话


    A:Is that the office manager over there?

    B:Yes, it is,

    A:I haven‘t met him yet.

    B:I‘ll introduce him to you .



    A:(Why don’t I/ May I/ Can I) come by your office tomorrow to sign the lease?

    B:Yeah, all right.


    B:I‘d like to see your showroom.


    A:Do you know where it is?


    B:No, I don‘t.


    A:I‘ll have the office send you a map.

    office 网络释义

    1. 办公软件:行业特别是光伏行业的过去、现在与未来发展趋势有一个初步的了解 14 办公软件(office)熟练操作 所需技能培训 (方可上岗) 培训时间 培训科目 六个月 人力资源管理相关知识(人事、培训、绩效...设计员必须按派工单要求的完成时间内完成成本核算及报价,

    office 词典解释

    1. 办公室
        An office is a room or a part of a building where people work sitting at desks.

        e.g. He had an office big enough for his desk and chair, plus his VDU...
        e.g. At about 4.30 p.m. Audrey arrived at the office...

    2. (尤指政府的)部,局,厅
        An office is a department of an organization, especially the government, where people deal with a particular kind of administrative work.

        e.g. Thousands have registered with unemployment offices.
        e.g. ...Downing Street's press office.

    3. (问询、购票或提供服务的)处,所
        An office is a small building or room where people can go for information, tickets, or a service of some kind.

        e.g. The tourist office operates a useful room-finding service.
        e.g. ...the airline ticket offices.

    4. 诊所
        A doctor's or dentist's office is a place where a doctor or dentist sees their patients.

    in BRIT, use 英国英语用 surgery

    5. 要职;公职;官职
        If someone holds office in a government, they have an important job or position of authority.

        e.g. The events to mark the President's ten years in office went ahead as planned...
        e.g. They are fed up with the politicians and want to vote them out of office...

    6. 帮助;协助
        Someone's good offices are the help that they give to other people who are trying to achieve something.


        e.g. She sought the good offices of the President for the smooth passage of the Bill.

    7. see also: booking office;box office;post office;register office;registry office

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