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  • indirect

    英:[ˌɪndəˈrekt] 美: [ˌɪndɪˈrɛkt, -daɪ-] 
    1. 间接的;非直接的 An indirect result or effect is not caused immediately and obviously by a thing or person, but happens because of something else that the

    indirect 基本解释

    indirect 同义词

    indirect 反义词

    indirect 相关例句


    1. We went to the house by an indirect road.

    2. We took an indirect route to the town.

    3. indirect

    3. An indirect benefit of a night light is a feeling of safety.

    indirect 网络释义

    1. 间接:[动动脑]:如何利用<直接>(Direct)与<间接>(Indirect)吸纳消费券?即使是常见的商业促销手法,若能掌握其原理(如<创意密码>提示),加以<改良>(Improve)或<转用>(Put to other use),创意就源源不绝了. (待续)

    2. 间接性:就企业采购的角度来看,B2B电子商务目前主要可分为两种模式,一种是与生产直接相关的直接性(Direct)物料采购,另一种则是间接性(Indirect)的物料采购(Maintenance间接性物料(MRO)是指企业所采购的不是构成企业所生产的最终产品的产品或服务,

    3. 返回由文本值表示的引用:INDEX 使用索引从引用或数组中选择值 | INDIRECT 返回由文本值表示的引用 | LOOKUP 在向量或数组中查找值

    indirect 词典解释

    1. 间接的;非直接的
        An indirect result or effect is not caused immediately and obviously by a thing or person, but happens because of something else that they have done.

        e.g. Businesses are feeling the indirect effects from the recession that's going on elsewhere...
        e.g. Millions could die of hunger as an indirect result of the war...

    Drugs are indirectly responsible for the violence...
    The president is indirectly elected by parliament...
    Indirectly, I did cause her death. I shouldn't have left her there.

    2. (路线、行程等)迂回的,非直达的
        An indirect route or journey does not use the shortest or easiest way between two places.

        e.g. The goods went by a rather indirect route.

    3. (话语或信息)含蓄的,拐弯抹角的
        Indirect remarks and information suggest something or refer to it, without actually mentioning it or stating it clearly.


        e.g. His remarks amounted to an indirect appeal for economic aid...
        e.g. There were indirect references to his opponent...

    He referred indirectly to the territorial dispute.

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