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  • eject

    英:[iˈdʒekt] 美: [ɪ'dʒekt] 

    eject 基本解释


    eject 相关例句


    1. The police ejected the noisy group from the restaurant.

    2. eject

    2. They were ejected because they had not paid their rent.

    3. eject的近义词

    3. The chimney ejects smoke.

    4. It's annoying that the chimneys of those plants in the city eject a lot of smoke every day.

    eject 网络释义

    1. 罚出场:昨天荷兰以2:1击败象牙海岸,其中范尼破了象队越位陷阱(offside trap )进球最为好看. 昨天墨西哥对安哥拉之战,安哥拉的安德瑞在第79分钟时累积两张黄牌(yellow card)成为红牌(red card)判罚出场(eject).

    2. 喷射出:火山爆发是把熔岩喷出、喷射出(eject)火山口, A) flung 扔,投,抛 , 主语一般是人. 构成近形干扰的是D) injected注射, 注入; B) propelled推进, 驱使; be propelled by steam. 由蒸汽推进.

    3. eject什么意思

    3. 射出:火山爆发是把熔岩喷出、喷射出(eject)火山口, A) flung 扔,投,抛 , 主语一般是人. 构成近形干扰的是D) injected注射, 注入; B) propelled推进, 驱使; be propelled by steam. 由蒸汽推进.

    eject 词典解释

    1. 驱逐;把…逐出
        If you eject someone from a place, you force them to leave.

        e.g. Officials used guard dogs to eject the protesters...
        e.g. He was ejected from a restaurant.

    ...the ejection of hecklers from the meeting.

    2. 弹出;喷出;射出
        To eject something means to remove it or push it out forcefully.


        e.g. He aimed his rifle, fired a single shot, then ejected the spent cartridge.

    3. (通常指飞行员从即将坠毁的飞机中)弹射出来
        When a pilot ejects from an aircraft, he or she leaves the aircraft quickly using an ejector seat, usually because the plane is about to crash.


        e.g. The pilot ejected from the plane and escaped injury.

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