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  • edit

    英:[ˈedɪt] 美: [ˈɛdɪt] 

    edit 基本解释


    edit 相关例句


    2. He edited a daily paper before he came to teach at our college.

    edit 网络释义

    1. 文本编辑器:一个简单的Makefile文件,该文件描述了一个称为文本编辑器(edit)的可执行文件生成方法,该文件依靠8个OBJ文件(.o文件),它们又依靠8个C源程序文件和3个头文件.

    2. edit:engineering design intelligent terminal; 工程设计智能终端

    3. edit:experimental digital television; 实验数字电视


    4. edit:error detection interactive transmission; 验错交互传输

    5. edit:editboxes; 编辑框

    edit 词典解释

    1. 编辑;编纂;校订
        If you edit a text such as an article or a book, you correct and adapt it so that it is suitable for publishing.

        e.g. The majority of contracts give the publisher the right to edit a book after it's done.
        e.g. ...an edited version of the speech.

    Throughout the editing of this book, we have had much support and encouragement.

    2. 编选;选辑
        If you edit a book or a series of books, you collect several pieces of writing by different authors and prepare them for publishing.

        e.g. This collection of essays is edited by Ellen Knight...
        e.g. She has edited the media studies quarterly, Screen.

    He was certainly not cut out to combine the jobs of editing and writing as a journalist.

    3. 剪辑(电影、电视或广播节目)
        If you edit a film or a television or radio programme, you choose some of what has been filmed or recorded and arrange it in a particular order.


        e.g. He taught me to edit and splice film...
        e.g. He is editing together excerpts of some of his films.

    He sat in on much of the filming and early editing.

    4. 主编(报纸、杂志或期刊)
        Someone who edits a newspaper, magazine, or journal is in charge of it.

        e.g. I used to edit the college paper in the old days.

    5. 编辑;校订
        An edit is the process of examining and correcting a text so that it is suitable for publishing.


        e.g. The purpose of the edit is fairly simple—to chop out the boring bits from the original.

    相关词组:edit out

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