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  • experimental

    英:[ɪkˌsperɪˈmentl] 美: [ɪkˌspɛrəˈmɛntl] 
    1. 试验性的 Something that is experimental is new or uses new ideas or methods, and might be modified later if it is unsuccessful. e.g. ...an experimenta

    experimental 基本解释

    形容词实验的; 根据实验的; 试验性的


    experimental 相关例句


    1. The experimental farm is near the waterpower station.

    2. This is an experimental form of teaching.

    3. There is no experimental evidence for the theory.

    experimental 网络释义

    1. 试验音乐 ):[录音是在一个全黑暗的环境中;这不是环境(Ambient)音乐,听此专辑时请关掉所有灯,请以最大声量播放!][风格] 无浪潮(No Wave)/试验音乐(Experimental)

    2. experimental是什么意思

    2. 实验的:在修辞学上,这会促使思想者不再使用话语的固有形式,而是去尝试经验的(experiential)或实验的(experimental)形式(这两个词联系紧密). 然而同其他地方一样,这里卑微的生活经历和崇高的生活经历都可以说是包含在经验之内的.

    3. experimental是什么意思

    3. experimental:exp; 实验性的

    experimental 词典解释

    1. 试验性的
        Something that is experimental is new or uses new ideas or methods, and might be modified later if it is unsuccessful.

        e.g. ...an experimental air conditioning system...
        e.g. He tends to write bizarre and highly experimental pieces of music...

    2. 实验的;用于实验的;根据实验的
        Experimental means using, used in, or resulting from scientific experiments.

        e.g. ...the main techniques of experimental science.
        e.g. ...the use of experimental animals...

    ...an ecology laboratory, where communities of species can be studied experimentally under controlled conditions.

    3. (行动)试验性的,试探性的
        An experimental action is done in order to see what it is like, or what effects it has.

        e.g. The British Sports Minister is reported to be ready to argue for an experimental lifting of the ban.

    This system is being tried out experimentally at many universities...
    Before opening the front door he lifted the cases experimentally.

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