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  • experiment

    英:[ɪkˈsperɪmənt] 美: [ɪkˈspɛrəmənt] 

    experiment 基本解释

    名词尝试; 实验,试验

    不及物动词尝试; 做实验,进行试验

    experiment 相关例句


    1. Have they ever experimented on a large number of patients?

    2. He is experimenting with drugs to cure hepatitis.

    3. experiment

    3. We experimented by putting oil and water together, and we saw that they did not mix.


    1. We can learn by experiment that oil and water will not mix.

    2. experiment

    2. Some people learn by experiment and others learn by experience.

    3. Scientists test out theories by experiment.

    experiment 词典解释

    The noun is pronounced /ɪk'sperɪmənt/. The verb is pronounced /ɪk'sperɪment/. 名词读作 /ɪk'sperɪmənt/。动词读作 /ɪk'sperɪment/。

    1. 实验
        An experiment is a scientific test which is done in order to discover what happens to something in particular conditions.

        e.g. The astronauts are conducting a series of experiments to learn more about how the body adapts to weightlessness...
        e.g. ...a proposed new law on animal experiments...

    2. (用…)做实验
        If you experiment with something or experiment on it, you do a scientific test on it in order to discover what happens to it in particular conditions.

        e.g. In 1857 Mendel started experimenting with peas in his monastery garden...
        e.g. The scientists have experimented on the tiny neck arteries of rats...

    ...the ethical aspects of animal experimentation.
    When the experimenters repeated the tests on themselves, they observed an exactly opposite effect.

    3. 试验;试用
        An experiment is the trying out of a new idea or method in order to see what it is like and what effects it has.


        e.g. As an experiment, we bought Ted a watch.
        e.g. ...the country's five year experiment in democracy...

    4. 进行试验;试用
        To experiment means to try out a new idea or method to see what it is like and what effects it has.

        e.g. ...if you like cooking and have the time to experiment...
        e.g. He believes that students should be encouraged to experiment with bold ideas.

    Decentralization and experimentation must be encouraged...
    His stories about his sexual experimentation were more bravado than fact.

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