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  • easily

    英:[ˈi:zəli] 美: [ˈizəli] 
    比较级:more easily最高级:most easily

    easily 基本解释

    副词with difficulty


    easily 相关例句


    1. He is easily the highest in the class.

    2. It is easily the best school.

    3. You can find books easily in this library.

    4. It may easily rain.

    5. easily的近义词

    5. Those young men are too easily disheartened by difficulties.

    easily 情景对话

    Production Problems-(产品问题)


    A:We're going to have a problem meeting the budget for the production of our new sound board.

    B:How much of a problem?

    A:Well, it seems that we underestimated the costs. According to the factory, it will cost about eight percent more than initially projected.

    B:Let me see . . .Looking at this, if my calculations are correct, we are about three thousand dollars over budget?

    A:That's right. It's going to cost about three thousand more to complete the first order.


    B:I see...

    A:But if sales go as well as they should, that's still well within our profit margin. Proceeds from sales of the first order will easily cover the cost of the second order.

    B:In other words, you only need a budget increase for the first order.


    A:Exactly. After that, the product should finance itself.

    B:OK. Well, you know, all major budget decisions must be approved by our CEO and the financial officer.


    A:Yes, I know. But I thought that if I could get your support first, it might make getting approval easier.

    B:Well, you've got my support on this. I'll see what I can do to get the top brass to agree.

    easily 网络释义

    4. 容易地;简单地:duty 责任;义务 | easily 容易地;简单地 | influence 影响;对......起作用

    5. easily

    5. easily:e.; 容易

    easily 词典解释

    1. 很可能;多半
        You use easily to emphasize that something is very likely to happen, or is very likely to be true.

        e.g. It could easily be another year before the economy starts to show some improvement.
        e.g. ...an ancient barn that is easily the length of two tennis courts.

    2. 迅速地;频繁地
        You use easily to say that something happens more quickly or more often than is usual or normal.

        e.g. He had always cried very easily...
        e.g. They have nightmares, they startle easily.

    3. see also: easy

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