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  • exciting

    英:[ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ] 美: [ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ] 
    比较级:more exciting最高级:most exciting

    exciting 基本解释



    exciting 相关例句



    1. It was an exciting hunt, but the fox escaped.

    2. exciting

    2. We went to an exciting football game last week.

    3. exciting的反义词

    3. That is an exciting book.

    exciting 情景对话


    A:Where did you go yesterday?

    B:I went to play tennis in the public park.


    A:How often do you play tennis?

    B:Twice a week. How about you?


    A:I seldom play tennis. I prefer football and basketball.


    B:But it is very difficult to gather a team of players together.

    A:I usually play with my schoolmates.

    B:Do you like watching football matches?

    A:Yes, I went to the Tian He Sports Center for the football match last Sunday.

    B:Oh, I watched it on television. It was an exciting match.


    B:Wow, American football is more exciting than I thought.

    A:You’re in America now, my British friend. We just call it football.

    B:Oh, right. So, I can’t quite follow what’s going on…who’s winning?

    A:The Giants are up by three points because of the field goal they kicked, but the Redskins have the ball and there pretty close to the end zone.

    B:Wow! What a hit!

    A:Yeah, he tackled him so hard his helmet came off.

    B:Is he ok?


    A:It looks like it, he’s getting up.

    B:I guess he hit him too hard; the referee just called a penalty on the home team.

    A:The Giants?



    A:Well, here we go again.

    B:What happened? Why did everyone get so quiet?

    A:The Redskin’s quarterback just threw a touchdown pass for seven points. We’re losing again.

    exciting 网络释义

    1. 令人兴奋的:纽约是一个令人兴奋的(exciting)城市,它有许多著名的建筑物和许多有趣的地方. 如联合国(the为了健康就不能只偏重美食(rich food),清淡的食物(plain food)也是很需要的. 而平时为节省时间点的速食也就是快餐(fast food),它

    2. 激动人心的:制定年度运营计划必须遵循SMARTER原则,即方案本身必须是具体的(Specific)、可测量的(Measurable)、可达到的(Attainable)、现实的(Realistic)、有时间要求的(Time-based)、激动人心的(Exciting)和竞争性的(Rivalrous)原则,

    exciting 词典解释

    1. 令人兴奋的;令人激动的;刺激的
        If something is exciting, it makes you feel very happy or enthusiastic.

        e.g. The race itself is very exciting...
        e.g. This voyage was the most exciting adventure of their lives...

    He is an excitingly original writer.

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