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  • enthusiastic

    英:[ɪnˌθju:ziˈæstɪk] 美: [ɪnˌθu:ziˈæstɪk] 
    1. 非常感兴趣的;热心的;热情的 If you are enthusiastic about something, you show how much you like or enjoy it by the way that you behave and talk.enthusiast

    enthusiastic 基本解释


    enthusiastic 相关例句


    1. They are enthusiastic admirers of that movie star.

    2. If too old to work much, the retired worker is very enthusiastic about neighbourhood affairs.

    3. My parents are enthusiastic skiers.

    4. enthusiastic是什么意思

    4. David is very enthusiastic about the plan.

    enthusiastic 网络释义

    1. 热忱的:提升品牌形象及识别度是与竞争对手区隔的主要方式,也是市场竞争决胜的关键,藉由群环科技企业识别系统的转换,除了传达专业的(Professional)、服务的(Service)、效率的(Efficent)、热忱的(Enthusiastic)、稳健的(Steady)、国际的(International)品牌个性;

    enthusiastic 词典解释

    1. 非常感兴趣的;热心的;热情的
        If you are enthusiastic about something, you show how much you like or enjoy it by the way that you behave and talk.


        e.g. Tom was very enthusiastic about the place...
        e.g. Bob Dole seemed less than enthusiastic about the proposed move.

    The announcement was greeted enthusiastically.

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