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  • beef

    英:[bi:f] 美: [bif] 

    beef 基本解释

    名词牛肉; 菜牛(饲养以供肉食的牛); 体力; 怨言,牢骚


    beef 相关例句


    1. beef的近义词

    1. He loves beef steak.

    2. Work hard, put some beef into the design.

    3. What's your beef this time?

    4. My beef is that it took too much time.

    beef 情景对话



    A:For lunch we have chicken, beef and Chinese noodles. Which one would you like?

    B:Chinese noodles, please.


    A:Can I take your order?

    B:I’ll have a (roast beef sandwich on rye/ lamb / hamburger, well-done), please.


    A:What would you like to drink, Xiao Wang?


    B:Why don’t we start off with a little Mao-tai?

    A:Great idea! Catherine, will you join us?

    C:I certainly will. The more, the merrier. To your health!

    A:To your health!

    B:And to yours!

    B:Have some of this roast beef and some Yorkshire pudding to go with it. Help yourself to vegetables.


    B:This is marvelous. What a wonderful cook you are.

    A:Some of the credit should go to me. I made the pudding!

    beef 网络释义

    1. 肉牛:)从前人们卖肉牛(beef)也不大老实,把牛牵到市场卖之前,会先把牠喂得饱饱的,这样,肉牛称起来自然重一点,价钱也可以要高一点了. 英文成语beef up指的本来就是这种「喂饱肉牛」做法,现在往往引伸为「增强」或「扩大」的意思,

    2. 牛:喂饱肉牛 对论斤卖肉的人来说,牛肉猪肉等当然是越重越好的. 有些肉商甚至用打针的办法给牛肉、猪肉注水,这样,本来不过一斤的肉,就可以卖得不止一斤的价钱了. 从前人们卖肉牛(beef)也不大老实,把牛牵到市场卖之前,会先把它喂得饱饱的,这样,肉牛称起来自然重一点,...

    3. 牛排:也许你说的对,我还真不能编造(make up)一个听上去(sound)不能让人信服的理由.我最好还是想个好点的幌子(story)去对他说吧.还没有,但是我想去(would like)尝尝,我听说他们的牛排(beef)质量最好(excellent quality ),

    beef 词典解释

    1. 牛肉
        Beef is the meat of a cow, bull, or ox.


        e.g. ...roast beef.
        e.g. ...beef stew.

    2. 不断抱怨;大发牢骚
        If someone beefs about something, they keep complaining about it.

        e.g. Instead of beefing about what Mrs Martin has not done, her critics might take a look at what she is trying to do.

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