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  • accommodation

    英:[əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃn] 美: [əˌkɑ:məˈdeɪʃn] 

    accommodation 基本解释

    名词住处; 适应; 和解; 便利


    accommodation 相关例句


    1. He called the hotel for accommodations.

    2. It's a great accommodation to me.

    3. They reached an accommodation with neighboring countries.

    4. Accommodation is expensive in this city.

    accommodation 词典解释

    1. 住处;住所
        Accommodation is used to refer to buildings or rooms where people live or stay.


        e.g. The government will provide temporary accommodation for up to three thousand people...
        e.g. Prices start at £1,095 per person, including flights, hotel accommodation and various excursions...

    in AM, use 美国英语用 accommodations

    2. (楼房或交通工具内的)空间,座位,铺位
        Accommodation is space in buildings or vehicles that is available for certain things, people, or activities.

        e.g. The school occupies split-site accommodation on the main campus...
        e.g. Some trains carry bicycles, but accommodation is restricted so a reservation is essential.

    Be careful with the spelling of this word.

    3. 和解;调和
        An accommodation is an agreement between different people which enables them to exist together without trouble.

        e.g. His instinct would be to seek a new accommodation with the nationalists...
        e.g. Religions, to survive, must make accommodations with the larger political structures that nurture them.

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