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  • uncle

    英:[ˈʌŋkl] 美: [ˈʌŋkəl] 

    uncle 基本解释

    名词叔叔; 伯父; 舅父; 姑父,姨父


    uncle 反义词


    uncle 相关例句


    1. He has left his watch with his uncle.

    2. uncle在线翻译

    2. Jimmy is uncle to all the kids who like to go boating with him.

    uncle 情景对话


    A:Hey, Olaf, is this a picture of you?


    B:That’s a good guess, but actually that’s my brother.

    A:But, he looks just like you!

    B:Maybe that’s because we’re twins!

    A:I see. Who else is in the picture?

    B:The person to my twin brother’s left is his wife, Susan.

    A:Do they have any children?


    B:They just have one son named David. He’s the little one over there wearing the red sweater.

    A:Oh, he’s very cute. Who is the woman next to Susan?

    B:That’s my older sister, Frederique.


    A:Is she married?

    B:No, but she’s been dating the same guy for five years. He’s the guy with the glasses behind her.

    A:He’s cute. What about your parents? Are they in the picture, too?


    B:No, the older couple in the picture is my aunt Mary and my uncle Joseph.

    A:Why aren’t you in that picture?


    B:I was taking it!



    A:Hello, Elizabeth. How are you?


    B:Fine, thanks.

    A:Are you sure you’re all right? You look a bit worried today. Is anything wrong?

    B:Well, yes, there is something wrong actually. Perhaps you can give me some advice.

    A:Of course, if I can.

    B:Well, last night when I returned from the theatre, I found that I’d lost my wallet.

    A:Oh dear! That’s terrible! What was in your wallet?


    B:Well, some money, of course, my visa, all my identity cards and some photos.

    A:Well, if I were you, I’d go to the police station straight away and report it.

    B:Yes, I’ve already done that, and they said they’d look for it. But we’re leaving soon and I need my visa and identity cards badly.

    A:Oh dear! What a pity! Are you sure you lost the wallet in the theatre?

    B:Yes, quite sure.


    A:I think you should put an advertisement in the China Daily, saying when and where you lost it.

    B:But that takes too long.

    A:Wait a minute! My uncle lives in Beijing and he lives very close to the theatre. I’ll telephone him and ask him to go there to inquire about it. You’d better have breakfast now and I’ll meet you later.

    B:Oh, thank you. I hope he finds it.

    uncle 网络释义

    1. uncle是什么意思

    1. 叔叔;舅舅:在叔叔 /舅舅 (uncle) 家时﹐晚上和表哥 / 表弟 / 堂哥 / 堂弟 (cousin) 同睡. 他睡着了﹐但是他

    uncle 词典解释

    1. 伯父;叔叔;舅舅;姑父;姨父
        Someone's uncle is the brother of their mother or father, or the husband of their aunt.

        e.g. My uncle was the mayor of Memphis...
        e.g. A telegram from Uncle Fred arrived...

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