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  • ugly

    英:[ˈʌgli] 美: [ˈʌɡli] 

    ugly 基本解释

    ugly 反义词

    1. cut up ugly : 发怒;

    ugly 相关词组

    1. cut up ugly : 发怒;

    ugly 相关例句


    1. The sky looks ugly.

    2. What an ugly building!

    3. The sky has an ugly look.

    4. The situation looks ugly.

    5. The crowd was in an ugly mood.

    ugly 情景对话


    A:Do you think appearances are important?


    B:If you’re superficial, appearances can be important.


    A:Don’t you think everyone is a bit superficial?

    B:I guess maybe a little. But in the end, it’s someone’s personality that’s important. Why do you ask?


    A:I have a job interview tomorrow. I’m worried that someone more attractive than me will get the job.

    B:You can’t be serious.

    A:I’ve read many articles about how attractive people get higher salaries than ugly people.

    B:You can’t believe everything you read.

    A:I know, but I think it’s accurate to say that people like attractive people.

    B:I guess that may be true sometimes, but I know that’s not always the case.

    A:Why’s that?

    B:Well, I’m not particularly handsome, and I’ve got a great job!

    ugly 网络释义

    1. 丑恶:这部小说不但(Not only)写出人性的丑恶(Ugly)(Ugly),并且写出了曰本商界的激烈(Fierce)竞争以及美国的社会问题. 又如<<太阳黑点>>,揭示了政界的黑暗,尾声以师冈因脑血栓发作成了废人,从而掩盖了==内阁官员下流无耻的真相.

    ugly 词典解释

    1. 丑陋的;难看的
        If you say that someone or something is ugly, you mean that they are very unattractive and unpleasant to look at.

        e.g. ...an ugly little hat...
        e.g. She makes me feel dowdy and ugly.

    ...the raw ugliness of his native city.

    2. (通常因涉及暴力、挑衅行为而)令人厌恶的,邪恶的,恶性的
        If you refer to an event or situation as ugly, you mean that it is very unpleasant, usually because it involves violent or aggressive behaviour.

        e.g. There have been some ugly scenes...
        e.g. The confrontation turned ugly.

    ...the subtlety and ugliness of sexual harassment.

    3. to rear its ugly head -> see head

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