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  • spiral

    英:[ˈspaɪrəl] 美: [ˈspaɪrəl] 

    spiral 基本解释

    名词旋涡; 螺旋(线); 螺旋形物; (足球运动的)旋球

    动词使成螺旋形; 螺旋式的上升(或下降盘旋上升(或下降)

    形容词螺旋形的; 盘旋的; 盘旋上升的

    spiral 相关例句


    1. spiral的近义词

    1. Military budgets continued to spiral.


    1. spiral在线翻译

    1. A spring is a spiral.

    spiral 网络释义

    1. 螺旋形的:每一个有关数码媒体及电脑平面设计的单元可独立应用;但其实每项单元大多与之前单元有关,课程应由浅入深,螺旋形的(Spiral)层层深化,学生较易掌握,也节省设计构思时间.

    spiral 词典解释

    in AM, use 美国英语用 spiraling, spiraled

    1. 螺旋(形)
        A spiral is a shape which winds round and round, with each curve above or outside the previous one.

    2. (使)盘旋着生长(或移动)
        If something spirals or is spiralled somewhere, it grows or moves in a spiral curve.

        e.g. Vines spiraled upward toward the roof...
        e.g. ...a bullet spiralling out of a gun barrel...

    3. (数量、水平)急遽增长
        If an amount or level spirals, it rises quickly and at an increasing rate.

        e.g. Production costs began to spiral.
        e.g. ...a spiralling trend of violence...

    4. (数量、水平)急遽变化
        If an amount or level spirals downwards, it falls quickly and at an increasing rate.

        e.g. House prices will continue to spiral downwards.

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