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  • stupid

    英:[ˈstju:pɪd] 美: [ˈstu:pɪd] 

    stupid 基本解释

    stupid 同义词


    stupid 反义词


    stupid 相关例句


    1. It is stupid to do such a thing.

    2. The sailor was stupid with liquor.

    3. It was a stupid book.

    stupid 情景对话



    A:I suppose (that’s true/ you’re right/ we should.)

    B:We’re really stupid not to.

    Getting pregnant-(怀孕)

    B:I really think we should make sure we use a condom from now on.


    B:You don’t know how scared we were about getting pregnant last time.


    A:I suppose that’s true.

    B:We’re really stupid not to use one.

    A:I got tested for AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases (STD) two months before we started dating. You know that.

    B:I know, but it can take up to six months for some STDs to show up on the test. We shouldn’t take any more chances.

    A:All right, you’re right.



    A:I’m in big trouble. I need to find something to wear for tonight’s fashion show.

    B:You’re going to a fashion show?


    A:Yes. Would you like to come along? I have never seen a fashion show before!

    B:Really? I’d love to! I’ve never seen a fashion show before!


    A:Ok, you can come along, but only if you help me find something trendy to wear. I don’t want to look stupid in front of all those stylish people.

    B:I don’t think you’ll look stupid. You always look stylish to me.

    A:That’s sweet. Now, what do you think about this pink and orange striped suit?


    B:Isn’t that a bit too flashy?

    A:Ok, how about this chocolate brown suit with a yellow tie?

    B:That’s Ok, but it remains me a bit of my grandpa.

    A:What if I wore this black shirt with the suit?

    B:That would look better, but what about the tie?


    A:You’re right. The yellow one isn’t quite right.


    B:How about the brown suit with this T-shirt and no tie?
          那么,穿棕色的外套配T 恤衫不打领带怎么样?

    A:That’s perfect. Now, what are you going to wear?

    B:I don’t know. You’re going to have to help me find something to wear now!

    stupid 网络释义

    1. 愚蠢的:此句指在这样恶劣的天气状况下,Trudy继续游泳是愚蠢的(stupid)行为,其他选项的形容词的意义均与句意不符. 14. A. 结合后面的信息:海岸已进入视力范围,可知此时Trudy意识到(realize)胜利在望.

    2. 笨:在家长面前更不能直接说你家小孩很笨(stupid),或是迟钝(slow)可以用underachiever(未能发挥潜力)或He/ She can do better with the help(有别人的帮助可以学得更好些)来代替,在这种情况下使用委婉语不仅避免了伤害学生的自尊心和家长的难堪,


    3. 笨的:可是,只要是不太天真的人都能了解它的暗示:只有自然主义者(无神论者)是聪明的,有神论者都是冥顽不灵的(dim)、愚笨的(stupid). 他的立场几乎与道金斯完全一致,他可以说是道金斯哲学立场的诠释者和理论基础. 例如,

    stupid 词典解释

    1. 糊涂的;头脑迟钝的;愚蠢的
        If you say that someone or something is stupid, you mean that they show a lack of good judgment or intelligence and they are not at all sensible.

        e.g. I'll never do anything so stupid again...
        e.g. I made a stupid mistake...

    We had stupidly been looking at the wrong column of figures...
    He got rather drunk and behaved stupidly.
    I stared at him, astonished by his stupidity.

    2. 讨厌的;恼人的;无足轻重的
        You say that something is stupid to indicate that you do not like it or care about it, or that it annoys you.

        e.g. I wouldn't call it art. It's just stupid and tasteless...
        e.g. Friendship is much more important to me than a stupid old ring!

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