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  • religious

    英:[rɪˈlɪdʒəs] 美: [rɪˈlɪdʒəs] 
    1. 宗教的;信教的 You use religious to describe things that are connected with religion or with one particular religion.religious的翻译 e.g. ...religious

    religious 基本解释


    religious 相关例句


    1. religious的反义词

    1. Hans was a very religious man. He behaved in a Christian way to all people including his enemies.


    2. Our parents were very religious and very patriotic.

    religious 网络释义

    1. 宗教:它是一个巅峰,至今没有游戏可以超越............本集游戏,玩家可以按照游戏所划分的6个等级来进行,依序是奴役(Slaver),宗教(Religious),好战(Militant),侵略(Aggressive),和平(Peaceful)和愉悦(Agreeable).

    religious 词典解释

    1. 宗教的;信教的
        You use religious to describe things that are connected with religion or with one particular religion.


        e.g. ...religious groups.
        e.g. ...different religious beliefs.

    India has always been one of the most religiously diverse countries.

    2. 虔诚的;宗教信仰坚定的
        Someone who is religious has a strong belief in a god or gods.

        e.g. They are both very religious and felt it was a gift from God.

    3. see also: religiously

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