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  • awkward

    英:[ˈɔ:kwəd] 美: [ˈɔ:kwərd] 
    1. 使人尴尬的;难处理的;棘手的 An awkward situation is embarrassing and difficult to deal with. e.g. I was the first to ask him awkward questions but there'

    awkward 基本解释

    形容词笨拙的; 令人尴尬的; 难对付的; 不方便的

    awkward 相关例句


    1. He felt awkward and uncomfortable.

    2. He asked several awkward questions at the press conference.

    3. The child is still awkward with his chopsticks.

    4. awkward的解释

    4. He's very awkward, he keeps dropping things.

    5. The pan is an awkward shape.

    awkward 网络释义

    1. 尴尬的:authoritative 权威性的 | awkward 尴尬的 | balanced 平衡的

    2. (本义)行动不便:anticipating(本义)期待的 | awkward(本义)行动不便 | to be caught(本义)被捉住

    3. 笨拙的:awful 糟糕的 | awkward 笨拙的 | axis 轴

    awkward 词典解释

    1. 使人尴尬的;难处理的;棘手的
        An awkward situation is embarrassing and difficult to deal with.

        e.g. I was the first to ask him awkward questions but there'll be harder ones to come...
        e.g. There was an awkward moment as couples decided whether to stand next to their partners.

    There was an awkwardly long silence.
    ...an awkwardly timed meeting.

    2. 难使用的;难携带的;(工作)难处理的
        Something that is awkward to use or carry is difficult to use or carry because of its design. A job that is awkward is difficult to do.

        e.g. It was small but heavy enough to make it awkward to carry...
        e.g. Full-size tripods can be awkward, especially if you're shooting a low-level subject.

    The autoexposure button is awkwardly placed under the lens release button.

    3. (行动)笨拙的;(姿势)别扭的
        An awkward movement or position is uncomfortable or clumsy.

        e.g. Amy made an awkward gesture with her hands.

    He fell awkwardly and went down in agony clutching his right knee...
    He lay beside her awkwardly, propped on an elbow.

    4. 害羞的;尴尬的;局促不安的
        Someone who feels awkward behaves in a shy or embarrassed way.

        e.g. Women frequently say that they feel awkward taking the initiative in sex...
        e.g. He was rather awkward with his godson.

    'This is Malcolm,' the girl said awkwardly, to fill the silence.
    He displayed all the awkwardness of adolescence.

    5. 不可理喻的;难打交道的;难相处的
        If you say that someone is awkward, you are critical of them because you find them unreasonable and difficult to live with or deal with.

        e.g. She's got to an age where she is being awkward.

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