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  • instead

    英:[ɪnˈsted] 美: [ɪnˈstɛd] 
    1. 代替…;而不是… If you do one thing instead of another, you do the first thing and not the second thing, as the result of a choice or a change of behavio

    instead 基本解释

    instead 相关词组

    1. instead of : 代替, 而不是...;

    instead 相关词组

    1. instead of : 代替, 而不是...;

    instead 相关例句


    1. If you cannot go, let him go instead.

    2. He is too busy, let me go instead.

    3. instead是什么意思

    3. We'll have tea in the garden instead of in the house.

    4. He didn't give John the money, but he gave it to me instead.

    5. If there is no coal, oil can be used instead.

    instead 情景对话


    A:I would suggest that you use this material instead of that .

    B:But that costs more .


    A:But you will get less waste from this .

    B:We‘ll try it once .

    Psychological Counseling-(心理咨询)

    A:One of my students told me she was very depressed today.


    A:Her father is dying.

    B:Oh, that’s very sad.

    A:Yeah, she’s broken up about it, poor kid.

    B:What did you do?


    A:I talked to her for a while, but she’s really depressed. So, I made an appointment with the school counselor for her.


    B:That’s a good idea. The counselor is a psychologist. He’s better trained to handle these sorts of things.

    A:Yeah, that’s what I told her. I’m glad she’s reaching out for help, instead of trying to deal with this on her own.

    B:Yeah, me too.

    Cable TV-(有线电视)

    A:Mom, can we get cable TV or a satellite dish?

    B:It costs money, dear. What’s wrong with the regular television stations?


    A:The shows are dull and they’re too many advertisements.

    B:Well, you already watch too much TV instead of doing your homework, anyway.


    A:There ’re educational stations too. I could learn while I watched TV.

    B:Well, that’s true, but you’d probably only watch cartoons and action movies.

    A:No I wouldn’t…can’t we get cable? Everybody has cable.

    B:Well, if everybody jumped off a bridge, would you jump too?

    A:Mom!!!! Please. All my friends have had it for years.

    B:Get new friends.

    A:Why are you always so mean?

    B:Because you’d end up spoiled rotten if I wasn’t.


    A:I could help pay for it.

    B:Let’s see how your grades are this semester, and maybe I’ll talk to your father about it.

    A:O.K. Thanks, Mom!

    instead 网络释义

    1. instead

    1. 代替:有多个颜色可以挑选,已经完全可以代替(Instead)妆前霜来运用了,但用后假使不上妆的话感觉(Feel)(Feel)会怪怪的,会感觉(Feel)(Feel)有一点点假白. 因为是霜状的质地,不算太好推,所以不太实用于补擦.

    2. 相反:C 逻辑推理前后照应,在作者预计将会是9比1作者大胜他的时候,比分却是相反(instead),作者居然落后了. 这结果是随后(then)出现的,却是很不自然(naturally)的,可并没有搞错(mistakenly). 15. A 词义辨析逻辑推理,Ed来(coming)了,

    3. 代替,更换:instantaneous value 瞬时值,即时值 | instead 代替,更换 | instillation 滴注法,灌注

    instead 词典解释

    1. 代替…;而不是…
        If you do one thing instead of another, you do the first thing and not the second thing, as the result of a choice or a change of behaviour.

        e.g. She had to spend nearly four months away from him that summer, instead of the usual two...
        e.g. Check-out workers in London will receive £7.17 an hour instead of £6.54...
               伦敦的收银员每小时工资将从原先的 6.54 英镑涨为 7.17 英镑。

    2. 作为替代;反而;相反地
        If you do not do something, but do something else instead, you do the second thing and not the first thing, as the result of a choice or a change of behaviour.


        e.g. He reached for the wine but did not drink, pushed it, instead, across the table towards Joanna...
        e.g. The kitchen might have been workable had Nicola kept it tidy; instead it was littered with pots and pans...

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