弘扬汉语古籍 传承国粹精华
  • imitate

    英:[ˈɪmɪteɪt] 美: [ˈɪmɪˌtet] 

    imitate 基本解释


    imitate 相关例句


    1. Parrots imitate human speech.

    2. I wish you would imitate your brother a little more.

    3. Wood is often painted to imitate stone.

    4. The little boy imitated his father.

    5. imitate的反义词

    5. Jane imitates the cuckoo.

    imitate 情景对话

    The First Class-(第一堂课)

    A:Today I had my first English class.

    B:How was it?

    A:It was interesting.The teacher gave us three ways to help ourselves learn the language. First, stop talking anything except English. Then learn many complete sentences by heart.Finally, have American friends tell us how they say things we have trouble with, and always imitate them.

    imitate 词典解释

    1. 模仿;仿效;模拟
        If you imitate someone, you copy what they do or produce.

        e.g. ...a genuine German musical which does not try to imitate the American model.
        e.g. ...a precedent which may be imitated by other activists in the future.

    2. (为逗乐)戏仿,学…的样子
        If you imitate a person or animal, you copy the way they speak or behave, usually because you are trying to be funny.

        e.g. Clarence screws up his face and imitates the Colonel again.

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