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  • depict

    英:[dɪˈpɪkt] 美: [dɪˈpɪkt] 

    depict 基本解释

    及物动词描述; 描绘,描画

    depict 相关例句


    1. The book depicts him as a rather unpleasant character.

    depict 网络释义

    3. 描写,叙述:demur#踌躇;抗议 | depict#描写;叙述 | deplore#悲痛;深悔

    4. 描写:commentator 评论员 | depict 描写 | glamorous 充满魅力的

    depict 词典解释

    1. 描绘;描画
        To depict someone or something means to show or represent them in a work of art such as a drawing or painting.

        e.g. ...a gallery of pictures depicting Nelson's most famous battles.

    2. 描写;描述;刻画
        To depict someone or something means to describe them or give an impression of them in writing.


        e.g. Margaret Atwood's novel depicts a gloomy, futuristic America...
        e.g. Children's books often depict farmyard animals as gentle, lovable creatures.

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